We are going to participate in the December 18th 2010
Friends of the Environment
7TH Annual South Abaco Christmas Bird Count
I thought it a good idea to start reading up on what we might see and found this great report from the Cornell Lab or Ornithology that talks about all the birds in our area here in the Abacos.
Birding in Bahamas - Spring 2009 Living Bird, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Hanging out the laundry to dry in the backyard is a joy. There are the sounds of parrots squawking and the chatter of little birds of various sizes at times perched on branches just a few feet away from the clothesline. They are so close that sometimes I duck when they fly by. If I come out early in the evening, the Night Heron screams at me and rushes her feathers hoping to keep me at bay. I hear her at night from time to time as she squawks at other intruders, I guess most likely feral cats.
Good luck! I often recall the excellent day we spent birding around Nassau and you look to have excellent habitat right in your back yard!